Computer Engineering (COMP ENG)

COMP ENG 5000 Special Problems (IND 1.0-6.0)

Problems or readings on specific subjects or projects in the department. Consent of instructor required.

COMP ENG 5001 Special Topics (LEC 1.0-6.0)

This course is designed to give the department an opportunity to test a new course. Variable title.

COMP ENG 5040 Oral Examination (IND 0.0)

After completion of all other program requirements, oral examinations for on-campus M.S./Ph.D. students may be processed during intersession. Off-campus M.S. students must be enrolled in oral examination and must have paid an oral examination fee at the time of the defense/comprehensive examination (oral/ written). All other students must enroll for credit commensurate with uses made of facilities and/or faculties. In no case shall this be for less than three (3) semester hours for resident students.

COMP ENG 5070 Teaching Engineering (LEC 3.0)

Introduction to teaching objectives and techniques. Topics include: using course objectives to design a course; communication using traditional and cutting-edge media; textbook selection; assessment of student learning; grading; student learning styles; cooperative/active learning; and student discipline. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. (Co-listed with Eng Mgt 5070, Env Eng 5070, Elec Eng 5070, Civ Eng 5070).

COMP ENG 5085 Internship (IND 1.0-15)

Students working toward a master degree may select, with the advice of their committees, an appropriate internship opportunity as an integral part of the degree program. The internship plan must conform to the purpose of providing a high level engineering experience consistent with the intent of the master degree. This course will explore how well the current graduate curriculum prepares students for tackling the practical problems that they will encounter in the workplace. Assessment may be based upon the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading option depending on the quality of reports and/or presentations summarizing the outcomes of internship activity to the student's academic advisor.

COMP ENG 5099 Special Research And Thesis (IND 1.0-15)

Investigations of an advanced nature leading to the preparation of a thesis or dissertation. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor required.

COMP ENG 5110 Principles of Computer Architecture (LEC 3.0)

Principles of performance measurement and instruction set design; advanced issues in pipelining; instruction level parallelism (dynamic scheduling, branch prediction, multi-issue processors); memory hierarchies for superscalar processors; multiprocessors; multi-threading; storage systems; and interconnection networks. Prerequisite: Comp Eng 3110. (Co-listed with Comp Sci 5803).

COMP ENG 5120 Digital Computer Design (LEC 3.0)

Organization of modern digital computers; design of processors, memory systems and I/O units, hardware-software tradeoffs in different levels of computer system design. Prerequisites: COMP ENG 3150 and COMP ENG 3151.

COMP ENG 5130 Advanced Microcomputer System Design (LEC 3.0)

The design of digital systems based on advanced microprocessors. Introduction to microcomputer logic development systems. I/0 interfaces. Assembly and high level language tradeoffs. Hardware and software laboratory projects required. Prerequisites: COMP ENG 5110.

COMP ENG 5151 Digital Systems Design Laboratory (LAB 1.0 and LEC 2.0)

Design of 32-bit microcontroller based systems. Topics include the instruction set architecture of a 32-bit microcontroller, assembly language and C programming, using microcontroller peripherals for communication, measurement and control. Student designs, programs and tests microcontroller based projects. Prerequisites: Comp Eng 3150 or Comp Eng 5110.

COMP ENG 5160 Embedded Processor System Design (LEC 3.0)

Development of hardware and software for embedded systems, including real-time operating systems, advanced programming, communication schemes, hardware peripherals and sensors, control methodologies, printed-circuit board design, interrupts, microcontrollers, and hardware-software co-design. One or more team design projects. Prerequisites: COMP ENG 3150 or equivalent or 80x51 processor experience.

COMP ENG 5170 Real-Time Systems (LEC 3.0)

Introduction to real-time (R-T) systems and R-T kernels, also known as R-T operating systems, with an emphasis on scheduling algorithms. The course also includes specification, analysis, design and validation techniques for R-T systems. Course includes a team project to design an appropriate R-T operating system. Prerequisites: COMP ENG 3150 or COMP SCI 3800. (Co-listed with Comp Sci 5205).

COMP ENG 5210 Introduction To VLSI Design (LEC 3.0)

An introduction to the design and analysis of digital integrated circuits (ICs). Topics include basic manufacturing techniques, transistor-level design and analysis of logic and memory circuits, logic timing, and parasitics. Computer aided design tools are used to develop circuits in the lab. Prerequisites: Elec Eng 2200 and Comp Eng 2210.

COMP ENG 5220 Digital System Modeling (LEC 3.0)

Digital system modeling for simulation, synthesis, and rapid system prototyping. Structural and behavioral models, concurrent and sequential language elements, resolved signals, generics, configuration, test benches, processes and case studies. Prerequisite: Comp Eng 2210 with a grade of "C" or better.

COMP ENG 5230 Quantum Computing (LEC 3.0)

Introduction to the principles, subsystems, and architectures of quantum computing. Topics include architectural and general considerations of quantum systems which are suitable for parallel computing applications using a rule-based approach. Prerequisite: Comp Eng 2210. (Co-listed with Elec Eng 5250).

COMP ENG 5310 Computational Intelligence (LEC 3.0)

Introduction to Computational Intelligence (CI), Biological and Artificial Neuron, Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computing, Swarm Intelligence, Artificial Immune Systems, Fuzzy Systems, and Hybrid Systems. CI application case studies covered include digital systems, control, power systems, forecasting, and time-series predictions. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. (Co-listed with Elec Eng 5810 and Sys Eng 5211).

COMP ENG 5320 Game Theory for Computing (LEC 3.0)

This course introduces the mathematical and computational foundations of game theory, and its applications to computer science (e.g., cybersecurity, robotics and networking). Topics include decision rationality, game representations, equilibrium concepts (e.g., Nash equilibrium), Bayesian games, dynamic games, cooperative game theory, and mechanism design. Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in both Comp Sci 2500 and Math 3108, and in one of Stat 3113, Stat 3115, Stat 3117, or Stat 5643. (Co-listed with Comp Sci 5408).

COMP ENG 5410 Introduction to Computer Communication Networks (LEC 3.0)

The objective of this course is to introduce the concepts, terminology, theoretical foundations, and methods used for data communication in computer networks. Emphasis will be on network architecture, services and protocols, interoperability, and performance considerations. Prerequisites: Comp Eng 3150 or computer hardware competency and Stat 3117 or Stat 3115 or Stat 5643 or equivalent.

COMP ENG 5420 Introduction to Network Security (LEC 3.0)

This course examines basic issues in cryptography and network security. Topics include encryption, key management, authentication, data integrity, intrusion detection, malicious attack, and insider threats, among others. Prerequisite: Comp Eng 5410 or Comp Sci 5600.

COMP ENG 5430 Wireless Networks (LAB 1.0 and LEC 2.0)

Introduction to wireless communications and networking. Topics include transmission fundamentals, wireless channel, coding techniques and error control, satellite and cellular networks, cordless systems, mobile IP and management, multiple access techniques and wireless protocols, wireless LAN, IEEE 802.11, and adhoc and sensor networks. Prerequisites: Comp Eng 3150. (Co-listed with Elec Eng 5430 and Sys Eng 5323.).

COMP ENG 5450 Digital Image Processing (LEC 3.0)

Fundamentals of human perception, sampling and quantization, image transforms, enhancement, restoration, channel and source coding. Prerequisites: Elec Eng 3430. (Co-listed with Elec Eng 5450).

COMP ENG 5460 Machine Vision (LEC 3.0)

Image information, image filtering, template matching, histogram transformations, edge detection, boundary detection, region growing and pattern recognition. Complementary laboratory exercises are required. Prerequisites: Elec Eng 3430. (Co-listed with Elec Eng 5460).

COMP ENG 5510 Fault-Tolerant Digital Systems (LEC 3.0)

Design and analysis of fault-tolerant digital systems. Fault models, hardware redundancy, information redundancy, evaluation techniques, system design procedures. Prerequisites: Comp Eng 2210 and Comp Eng 2211.

COMP ENG 5610 Real-Time Digital Signal Processing (LAB 1.0 and LEC 2.0)

Introduction to the use of programmable DSP chips. Includes real-time data acquisition, signal generation, interrupt-driven programs, high-level language, and assembly level routines. Applications to real-time systems are also presented. Prerequisite: Elec Eng 3400 or Elec Eng 3410.

COMP ENG 5620 Signal Integrity in High-Speed Digital & Mixed Signal Design (LEC 3.0)

Signal integrity ensures signals transmitted over a propagation path maintain sufficient fidelity for proper receiver operation. Compromised signal integrity is often associated with parasitics (e.g. unintentional inductance, capacitance). Theory and CAD tools used for signal integrity analysis of functioning designs. Prerequisites: Elec Eng 3600 or Comp Eng 3150, and Senior standing. (Co-listed with Elec Eng 5620).

COMP ENG 5803 Mathematical Logic I (LEC 3.0)

A mathematical introduction to logic with some applications. Functional and relational languages, satisfaction, soundness and completeness theorems, compactness theorems. Examples from Mathematics, Philosophy, Computer Science, and/or Computer Engineering. Prerequisite: Philos 3254 or Math 5105 or Comp Sci 2500 or Comp Eng 2210. (Co-listed with Comp Sci 5203, Philos 4354 and Math 5154).

COMP ENG 5820 Mechatronics (LAB 1.0 and LEC 2.0)

This course will introduce students to the basics of mechatronics (i.e., the integration of mechanical, electrical, computer, and control systems). Students will learn the fundamentals of sensors and actuators for mechanical systems, computer interfacing, microcontrollers, real-time software, and control. Prerequisite: Mech Eng 4479 or equivalent. (Co-listed with Mech Eng 5478, Aero Eng 5478 and Elec Eng 5870).

COMP ENG 5880 Introduction to Robotics (LEC 3.0)

This course provides an introduction to robotics, covering robot hardware, fundamental kinematics, trajectories, differential motion, robotic decision making, and an overview of current topics in robotics. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in both Math 3108 and Comp Sci 1575. (Co-listed with Comp Sci 5403 and Elec Eng 5880).

COMP ENG 6000 Special Problems (IND 1.0-6.0)

Problems or readings on specific subjects or projects in the department. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.

COMP ENG 6001 Special Topics (LAB 0.0 and LEC 0.0)

This course is designed to give the department an opportunity to test a new course. Variable title. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.

COMP ENG 6040 Oral Examination (IND 0.0)

After completion of all other program requirements, oral examinations for on-campus M.S./Ph.D. students may be processed during intersession. Off-campus M.S. students must be enrolled in oral examination and must have paid an oral examination fee at the time of the defense/comprehensive examination (oral/ written). All other students must enroll for credit commensurate with uses made of facilities and/or faculties. In no case shall this be for less than three (3) semester hours for resident students.

COMP ENG 6050 Continuous Registration (IND 1.0)

Doctoral candidates who have completed all requirements for the degree except for the dissertation, and are away from the campus, must continue to enroll for at least one hour of credit each registration period until the degree is completed. Failure to do so may invalidate the candidacy. Billing will be automatic as will registration upon payment.

COMP ENG 6085 Internship (IND 1.0-15)

Students working toward a master degree may select, with the advice of their committees, an appropriate internship opportunity as an integral part of the degree program. The internship plan must conform to the purpose of providing a high level engineering experience consistent with the intent of the master degree. This course will explore how well the current graduate curriculum prepares students for tackling the practical problems that they will encounter in the workplace. Assessment may be based upon the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading option depending on the quality of reports and/or presentations summarizing the outcomes of internship activity to the student's academic advisor.

COMP ENG 6099 Special Research and Thesis (IND 1.0-15)

Investigations of an advanced nature leading to the preparation of a thesis or dissertation. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor required.

COMP ENG 6110 Advanced Computer Architecture I (LEC 3.0)

Advanced topics in computer structures, parallel processors, and computer networks. Emphasis on their design, applications, and performance. Prerequisite: Comp Eng 5110 or Comp Eng 5120. (Co-listed with Comp Sci 6110).

COMP ENG 6120 Advanced Computer Architecture II (LEC 3.0)

Continuation of Computer Engineering 6110. Prerequisites: COMP ENG 6110.

COMP ENG 6210 Digital Logic (LEC 3.0)

Digital logic analysis, synthesis and simulation. Design automation of digital systems. Prerequisites: Comp Eng 2210 and Comp Eng 2211.

COMP ENG 6230 Advanced VLSI Design (LEC 3.0)

Advanced topics in chip-level VLSI design, including issues related to high-performance, low-power, analog and mixed-signal circuits, reliability, noise and coupling mechanisms, computer aided design tools, and recent advances and trends in the field. Prerequisite: Comp Eng 5210 is required.

COMP ENG 6302 Advanced Topics in Data Mining (LEC 3.0)

Advanced topics of current interest in the field of data mining. This course involves reading seminal and state-of-the-art papers as well as conducting topical research projects including design, implementation, experimentation, analysis, and written and oral reporting components. Prerequisite: A "C" or better grade in Comp Sci 301 Introduction to Data Mining. (Co-listed with Comp Sci 6402 and Sys Eng 6216).

COMP ENG 6310 Markov Decision Processes (LEC 3.0)

Introduction to Markov Decision Processes and Dynamic Programming. Application to Inventory Control and other optimization and control topics. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in background of probability or statistics. (Co-listed with Mech Eng 6447, Aero Eng 6447, Eng Mgt 6410, Comp Sci 6202 and Sys Eng 6217).

COMP ENG 6320 Adaptive Dynamic Programming (LEC 3.0)

Review of Neurocontrol and Optimization, Introduction to Approximate Dynamic Programming (ADP), Reinforcement Learning (RL), Combined Concepts of ADP and RL - Heuristic Dynamic Programming (HDP), Dual Heuristic Programming (DHP), Global Dual Heuristic Programming (GDHP), and Case Studies. Prerequisites: Elec Eng 5370 or Comp Eng 5310. (Co-listed with Elec Eng 6360, Mech Eng 6458, Aero Eng 6458 and Sys Eng 6215).

COMP ENG 6330 Clustering Algorithms (LEC 3.0)

An introduction to cluster analysis and clustering algorithms rooted in computational intelligence, computer science and statistics. Clustering in sequential data, massive data and high dimensional data. Students will be evaluated by individual or group research projects and research presentations. Prerequisite: At least one graduate course in statistics, data mining, algorithms, computational intelligence, or neural networks, consistent with student's degree program. (Co-listed with Elec Eng 6830, Sys Eng 6214, Comp Sci 6405, Stat 6239).

COMP ENG 6410 Modeling Complex Systems (LEC 3.0)

Engineering Systems of today are non-linear, distributed, global, and adaptive to their environment in both space and time, thereby creating emergent behaviors. This course covers the current modeling tools and techniques used in modeling and architecting these complex systems. Prerequisites: Graduate Standing. (Co-listed with SYS ENG 6321).

COMP ENG 6420 Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Networks (LEC 3.0)

Introduction to ad hoc and sensor networks, IEEE standards, heterogeneity, quality of service, wireless channel issues, energy awareness, power and topology control, routing, scheduling, rate adaptation, self-organization, admission and flow control, energy harvesting, security and trust levels, hardware and applications. Prerequisite: Comp Eng 5430 or Comp Eng 5420 or equivalent. (Co-listed with Elec Eng 6430 and Sys Eng 6324).

COMP ENG 6440 Network Modeling and Analysis (LEC 3.0)

This course introduces analytical and computational methods for modeling and analysis of complex networked systems, including cyber-physical systems. Topics include stochastic processes and quantitative models for networks, e.g., Markovian models for queues. Prerequisites: Comp Eng 5410 or Comp Sci 3610; Stat 3117 or 5643. (Co-listed with Comp Sci 6602).

COMP ENG 6510 Resilient Networks (LEC 3.0)

This course presents reliability and fault tolerance for network-centric systems, including models, metrics, and analysis techniques. This course also concentrates on security, including technical tools and methods for audit and assessment as well as management and policy issues. Prerequisites: Comp Eng 5410 (Co-listed with SYS ENG 6322).