S&T Police Department


All student-operated vehicles should have either a valid campus parking permit or student registration decal affixed properly to the vehicle. Missouri S&T Parking, Security and Traffic Safety Regulations, as adopted by the Parking, Security and Traffic Safety Committee and approved by the chancellor, provide for the payment of established fees for parking privileges and set fees for violation of those regulations. The university police department has the responsibility of enforcing parking regulations at Missouri S&T.

The size of the student body, faculty, and staff, coupled with the fact that a large number of students live off-campus, leads to a relatively large number of motor vehicles on and near the campus. This traffic load, in turn, complicates parking for the campus citizen and creates a hazard for vehicles and pedestrians. The committee has prescribed the rules governing the classification and use of parking lots, the qualifications for parking on those lots, and the rules for application, issuance, and use of parking permits.

Specific information on current regulations and other details pertaining to parking can be obtained at the Missouri S&T university police department, 205 W. 12th St., Rolla, MO 65409, 573-341-4300. The regulations may also be found at: http://police.mst.edu/parking/.

Parking Lot Operations Rules & Regulations Condensed

Please note that these condensed rules, while representative of the complete rules, do not cover all scenarios and should be considered general guidelines for parking at Missouri S&T. The parking rules are enforced according to the complete rule set, which is viewable at https://police.mst.edu/parking/completerules/.

  1. Regulations pertaining to area permits and metered parking are enforced YEAR ROUND from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Saturdays, Sundays and official university holidays. Other regulations are enforced at all times as noted below.
  2. Parking in permit spaces on campus lots requires a purchased permit that is valid for that specific school year. All permits, permanent and temporary, must be hung from the rearview mirror. Temporary permits may be issued in certain cases and will need the ending date of your temporary permit clearly marked and facing the front windshield. Parking at meters requires payment even if a permit is purchased.
  3. A visitor is anyone OTHER THAN an employee, student or member of their family. We request all campus visitors to utilize the Havener Center parking lot (Marked Area V on campus maps) for their visits.
  4. Any students, faculty, employees, or family members thereof parking in the Havener Center visitor lot will be ticketed YEAR ROUND, unless otherwise authorized in specific individual cases.
  5. Permit and metered parking at Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall shall be enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  6. Any space with a sign designated for a specific user, will be enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  7. Employees and students lending their vehicle to a visitor or that invite a visitor to campus will be responsible for any violations occurring on campus.
  8. Parking permit owners shall park only in the area to which the purchased permit allows access.
  9. Employees and students without parking permits shall use only metered spaces or valid street parking.
  10. Specially marked disabled parking, driveways, yellow curbs and zones, fire lanes, vehicle types, and areas not designated as a parking area, etc., shall be enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  11. University driveways, yellow curbs and zones, and any other area not specifically designated as a parking area shall not be used for parking at any time.
  12. The Director of the Missouri S&T Police Department, with the concurrence of the Parking Committee Chair, shall have the authority to suspend all or part of the parking regulations for specific periods of time.
  13. Failure in compliance with these rules, in the case of excessive tickets (i.e. ticket number 6+ for one specific violator) or illegally parking in a non-designated space, may result in the towing of the vehicle at the owners expense.

Lost and Found

The university police department is the central “lost and found” repository for the campus. Any non-clothing lost and found items should be turned into the university police for reclamation purposes. If an item is lost, information should be filled out with university police, 573-341-4300, or can be reported by accessing: http://police.mst.edu/programs/lostitems in case the item is turned in at a later date.

Campus Security

Missouri State Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Statistics

Every law enforcement agency in the state is required to report crime data monthly to the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP). MSHP creates and maintains computer files of the Missouri data and supplies information not only to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) for use in national crime statistics, but also to local agencies and organizations. To access crime data for the Missouri S&T police department submitted to the MSHP visit the MSHP Statistical Analysis Center: http://www.mshp.dps.missouri.gov/MSHPWeb/SAC/data_and_statistics_ucr.html.

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (CLERY)

As required by the U.S. Department of Education, the CLERY Act requires higher education institutions to make public certain crime data. Review the annual CLERY report submitted by the Missouri S&T police department online: http://police.mst.edu/info/clery/. A paper copy of the report can be requested by contacting the Missouri S&T university police department at 573-341-4300 or by responding to the department which is located at 205 W. 12th St., Rolla, MO 65409.

Daily Crime Report

The CLERY Act also requires that crime information be made available to the public within two working days. Review the Daily Crime Report in the lobby of the Missouri S&T university police department located at 205 W. 12th St., Rolla, MO 65409 or at http://police.mst.edu/info/crimestatistics/crime-report/.

University Police

The mission of the Missouri S&T police department is to support the academic and campus community in fulfilling its commitment to teaching, research, and service. The functions performed by the Missouri S&T police department include many services offered by a small municipal police agency, as well as certain service functions unique to the university setting. The Missouri S&T police department is comprised of state commissioned police officers, security guards, parking enforcement staff, administrative staff, and student employees (campus service officers). Missouri S&T police officers are empowered under Chapter 172.350 of the Missouri Revised Statutes. As such the police officers are commissioned and armed. Additionally all Missouri S&T police officers possess Rolla City Police commissions as well. The S&T university police are also fully accredited through the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA).

Police officers patrol on foot, bicycle and by vehicle all properties owned by the Missouri University of Science and Technology 24 hours-a-day and seven days-a-week. The security guards perform additional security checks on main campus during evening and night hours. In addition to the full-time staff, the department employs students on a part-time basis, who serve as campus service officers (CSOs). Missouri S&T police department also has a Reserve Police Officer Program where part-time, fully sworn, police officers are used on an as-needed basis. Please visit the university police department's webpage to see all of the various services offered by the university police http://police.mst.edu.

Duties of the Missouri S&T police department include, but are not limited to preventative patrols, the investigation of crimes, crime prevention through active campus involvement, service to students and others in emergencies, special event coverage, overseeing parking lot operations, and the enforcement of state laws, city ordinances, and university rules and regulations. The university police department monitor several security cameras located throughout campus via a 24/7 operations desk located at the university police department. The university police are dispatched via the Rolla area 911 call center located within the Rolla police department. The camera views for the campus are shared with the call center. The university police can be reached at any time via 911 or for non-emergency situations, 573-341-4300.

Reporting Crimes at Missouri S&T

A log of all reported crimes is posted at the Missouri S&T university police department, 205 W. 12th St., Rolla, MO 65409 and on our website http://police.mst.edu/reporting/crimes/, under crime statistics to meet Clery Act requirements.

All crime victims are highly encouraged to report incidents to the Missouri S&T police department regardless of how seemingly insignificant the crime. Missouri S&T policy requires employees to promptly report all criminal acts occurring on campus. To report a crime, the victim or witness need only call the Missouri S&T police department via 911 or 573-341-4300. A police officer will meet with the person to gather information and prepare an official report. You may wish to report an incident to have the alleged offender apprehended and/or for the protection of yourself or others. If this is the case, successful apprehension and/or prosecution of the offender depends greatly on the rapid and accurate report of the crime. Information about the incident can assist law enforcement authorities in providing and improving prevention strategies for the protection of the victim and others in the community.

If you wish to report an incident without seeking disciplinary or legal actions, please contact the Missouri S&T counseling and disability support department, the equity and title IX department, the dean of students and student affairs department, the residential life department, the campus human resources department or any campus security authority ** for assistance.

Additional contact and resource information for reporting a crime is available by calling the university police department at 573-341-4300 or online via https://police.mst.edu/reporting/crimes, http://titleix.mst.edu/reporting, and http://dos.mst.edu/studentcompliantprocess.

**The campus security authority is an official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, as well as employees who control or monitor access to various locations on campus.

Security of Campus

Accountability of the security of campus facilities originates with the department chair. Areas of responsibility include, but are not limited to, both interior and exterior entryways, exists, and windows, and items of value within the department. Areas not under a specific department shall be under the responsibility of the next higher level within the division.

The department chair is ultimately answerable for security problems existing within his/her area of control, but can designate a dependable and reliable individual(s) areas of security responsibility.

A particularly sensitive area in building access control is the issuance of keys by departments to faculty, staff, and students. Department key issuance and control shall comply with guidelines set forth in BPM-404 Keys to University Buildings: http://www.umsystem.edu/ums/rules/bpm/bpm400/manual_404.

Buildings shall be secured during the evening hours at the earliest reasonable time. Any facility open for an extended period after normal operating hours for that building shall require a permit to be open for the hours specified on the permit.

During the academic year in which residence halls are open, those halls shall be secured during the evening hours according to housing department regulations. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to prevent access by unauthorized personnel, in both residence halls and other campus buildings, by verifying any door entered or exited has closed and locked.

Maintenance of campus facilities involving security problem areas, such as broken locks, windows, door, etc., shall involve reporting the security problem as soon as possible to the physical facilities department, who shall rectify the security breach within a timely manner.

In the event of a campus emergency, the university police department will notify the campus community via a RAVE mass notification message. The message will note the situation, give basic direction, and it updates until the situation is resolved or stabilized. Messages will be sent via text, email, phone, and received on desktops on campus or in campus housing. There may be situations when messages will only be sent via text and email (severe thunderstorm warning). Campus visitors can sign up to receive emergency mass notification messages by texting MINEREVENT to 78015.

RAVE Guardian

Missouri S&T University purchased an add-on phone app for the campus community.  The app is named Rave Guardian and is available for free at the app store for anyone who has a Missouri S&T email address. The app has several different valuable components including a safety timer, a method to text message the university police, an icon to reach the university police with the touch of a button, and the ability to call the 911 call center with the touch of a button. For further information on the Rave Guardian app please visit the website: http://ravemobilesafety.com or contact the university police department via email police@mst.edu or via phone 573-341-4300.

Alcohol/Illegal Drugs Policies:

Alcoholic Beverages

The use or possession of any alcoholic beverage is prohibited on all university property, except in the chancellors’ residence, and the sale, use, or possession may, by appropriate university approval be allowed in approved university alumni centers or faculty clubs, and for single events and reoccurring similar events in designated conference, meeting, or dining facilities provided by university food services, subject to all legal requirements. Alcohol may also be allowed during tailgate activities (pursuant to legal requirements) in the parking lot of Gale Bullman Multipurpose Center, in conjunction with a recognized university athletic event. Further information pertaining to alcoholic beverages can be obtained from  http://chancellor.mst.edu/media/administrative/chancellor/documents/policy/I-90.pdf.

Illegal Drugs

University of Missouri regulations prohibit the unlawful possession, use, distribution, and sale of alcohol and illicit drugs by university students and employees on university-owned property and at university or supervised activities. Local, state, and federal laws also prohibit the unlawful possession, use, distribution, and sale of alcohol and illicit drugs. Violation of the University of Missouri regulations and federal and state laws may result in arrest and could also result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion for students and discharge for employees.

A variety of resources exist for drug and/or alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation program. For detailed information concerning university and community resources, students and employees may contact the Substance Abuse Prevention Program, 107 Norwood Hall, 573-341-4292. Confidential consultation, assessment, short term counseling, and referral services are available free of charge to faculty, staff, and students. A variety of prevention of education programs are also offered.

Victim of Sexual Assault Information

The following information is provided to assist a person who has been the victim of a sexual assault.

Emergency Medical Examination/Evidence Collection

Receiving medical care immediately following a rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault is extremely important for your well-being. It is essential that you obtain:

  • Emergency medical exam if you are injured.
  • A general medical exam to ensure that you haven’t obtained injuries that you are unaware of or unable to determine.
  • A medical/legal examination for the collection of evidence if you think there is any possibility you will want to prosecute the offender. The exam must be conducted within 48 hours of the assault and you must NOT clean up before the exam to avoid loss or contamination of evidence.
  • Testing for sexually transmitted diseases. AIDS, and possible pregnancy (as part of follow-up treatment).

For medical emergencies, call 911 to have an ambulance dispatched.

Other sources of medical information for victims include Missouri S&T student health services (available during business hours).

Emotional Support

The need for emotional support and assistance after a rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault is great. In the aftermath of such a violation and loss of control, it may be difficult to consider what steps to take.

Contact a close friend or family member to talk with and assist in making decisions. Contact the Missouri S&T counseling center whose services are strictly confidential and contacting this support service does not obligate you to take any further action.

Reporting of Incident

You may wish to report the assault in order to have the alleged offender apprehended and/or for the protection of self or others. If this is the case, successful apprehension and or prosecution of the offender depends greatly on a rapid and accurate report of the crime. Information about the assault can assist law enforcement authorities in providing and improving prevention strategies for the protection of the victim and others in the community.

You have the option of making a report for the purpose of assisting the police in protecting the community without obligation to participate in the prosecution. While the actual prosecution of the offender is pursued by the Phelps County prosecutor (not by the victim), prosecution is unlikely to occur without the consent and assistance of the victim.You have the right to choose not to contact the Missouri S&T police, but you are strongly encouraged to report the assault to the police department.

Anonymous or Third Party Reporting

Even if you may not want to prosecute the offender to have it known you were the victim of an assault, you can choose to report the assault anonymously. Or somebody who you have told about the assault can report it. This type of reporting will provide the department with general information that may be useful in preventing additional assaults on campus. To make an anonymous report, call the police department and request to speak with an officer.

Disciplinary Actions

Whether or not you choose to report the assault to law enforcement or participate in criminal prosecution, you may decide to take action through the campus judicial system. If you were assaulted by another Missouri S&T student, on or off-campus, the accused may be charged under the University of Missouri Standard of Conduct. The judicial officer at Missouri S&T is available to discuss campus judicial procedures. While the judicial officer may investigate the complaint and impose appropriate discipline with or without the victim's consent, discussing a matter of sexual assault with her/him does not compel the victim to participate actively in pursuing disciplinary charges. The judicial officer's phone number is 573-341-4292.

Contact with Offender

In situations where the accused and the accuser may be in close contact with each other because of class schedules and/or living arrangements, adjustments to housing or class schedules may be made. The director of residential life has the authority to give the accuser and/or accused the option of changing living arrangements. If the accuser and the accused refuse to change living arrangements, the director has the authority to change the living arrangements of either person. The judicial officer shall give the parties the option of changing class schedules to avoid contact. However, change of class schedules cannot be required until after disciplinary proceedings have concluded.