Advanced Materials Characterization Core Facility

McNutt Hall and Straumanis-James Hall
Eric W. Bohannan (Director)

The Advanced Materials Characterization Core Facility was established in 2001 to provide advanced materials characterization instrumentation and expertise to Missouri S&T researchers as well as technological industries in Rolla and the state of Missouri. The facility combines advanced analytical resources from several departments on campus, as well as the Materials Research Center to provide a centralized point of contact for researchers.

The characterization equipment available in the AMCL includes: two dual-beam Focused Ion Beam/Scanning Electron microscope instruments, an environmental scanning electron microscope (SEM), with EDS, WDS and EBSD, and a transmission electron microscope (TEM), all of which are combined with energy dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) systems, an e-beam lithography system, two x-ray diffractometers, an x-ray fluorescence analyzer, atomic force microscopes, an x-ray photoelectron spectrometer, a micro CT imaging system, glow discharge optical emission spectrometer, stylus profilometer, tabletop SEM and instruments for thermal analysis, including thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry.

Training in these methods and assistance in the use of the equipment are provided to faculty researchers, graduate and undergraduate students by the director and staff of the Advanced Materials Characterization Core Facility.