Engineering Management

The engineering management degree programs prepare students for leadership roles in today’s complex environment as engineers, managers and educators. Graduates are capable of designing, implementing, operating and optimizing sophisticated high technology enterprises in manufacturing, government or service sectors of our global economy.

In today’s economy there is a need to see the business unit as a complete, technology driven enterprise and to integrate system components thus ensuring that the company thrives in global competition. In such an environment engineers need both excellent technical and managerial skills to cope effectively with the continuous change that will take place during their careers.

The engineering management discipline prepares individuals to successfully integrate engineering and management knowledge while optimizing the use of people, equipment, money and information. The discipline also seeks to develop students into individuals with leadership potential who achieve results in an ethical and sustainable manner.

Missouri S&T’s engineering management program has served the needs of students at the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. level, enabling graduates to pursue career opportunities in the private sector, government, and academia. Furthermore, many alumni now occupy top executive positions in a variety of enterprises.

Mission, Educational Objectives and Student Outcomes


The mission of the engineering management and systems engineering department is to equip individuals with engineering, management and systems expertise to prepare them to be leaders in the identification and solution of technical and organizational problems that are complex and evolving.

Educational Objectives:

Graduates of the engineering management program will exhibit proficiency and excellence in the areas of engineering, finance, human resources, communications, and professional behavior. Within these areas of proficiency, graduates will exhibit the explicit skills and knowledge as described below:

Technical Knowledge and Analytical Problem Solving: Graduates of the engineering management program are able to analyze and solve complex problems utilizing the following:

  • A mastery of engineering management tools and techniques including those utilized in operations management, project management, management of technology and supply chain management
  • An understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of engineering
  • Sound business judgment
  • Relevant analytical, computing and modeling tools such as statistics

Finance: Graduates of the engineering management program are responsible and financially aware managers and leaders who utilize basic finance, accounting, engineering economy and risk analysis methods to manage and identify the financial impact of business opportunities.

Human Capital Management: Graduates of the engineering management program are competent leaders who can develop and utilize the skills and abilities of teams and individuals within the organization as evidenced by proficiency in:

  • Team building
  • Conflict resolution
  • Efficient and effective leadership of diverse constituents
  • Empowering teams and individuals through coaching and mentoring
  • Conducting effective and efficient meetings
  • Manage individual and team performance to achieve organizational objectives
  • Data driven decision making

Communication: Graduates of the engineering management program engage others through effective oral, technical and written communication evidenced by:

  • Active listening
  • Clarity and conciseness in presentation
  • An ability to adjust content and presentation style to audience
  • Confidence and discernment in asking appropriate questions to obtain information vital to the project or task at hand.

Professional Behavior: Graduates of the engineering management program will continually grow in their awareness and understanding of the societal, ethical, cultural, legal and political issues prevalent in an increasingly global society.

Integration: Drawing on systems thinking proficiencies in the areas described above, graduates of the engineering management program are able to integrate their skills and knowledge to:

  • Effectively manage people, talent, time and financial resources
  • Develop successful marketing strategies and business plans
  • Develop execution plans and objectives for projects and programs
  • Analyze problems, consider alternatives, and implement solutions

Student Outcomes

Engineering management graduates will have the ability to:

  • Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  • Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  • Communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  • Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  • Function effectively on a  team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  • Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  • Acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies

Bachelor’s Degree Components

The bachelor’s program includes the basic chemistry, physics, mathematics and engineering science courses required by all engineering disciplines at Missouri S&T. These courses are followed by required core engineering management courses and students then specialize in focused emphasis areas with 15 hours of course work.

Engineering Management Core

  • Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects
  • Managing Engineering & Technology
  • Engineering Accounting and Finance
  • Introduction to System Engineering
  • Marketing Management
  • Operations and Production Management
  • Introduction to Project Management
  • Quality
  • General Management Design & Integration
  • Engineering Management Senior Design

Seniors will take a capstone design course that integrates the technical and managerial skills acquired. Students complete their bachelor of science (B.S.) degree requirements by taking the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam, and fulfilling Experiential Learning requirements.  All engineering management students must take the FE exam prior to graduation.  A passing grade on this examination is not required to earn the B.S. degree.  This requirement is part of the Missouri S&T assessment process as described in assessment requirements found elsewhere in this catalog.

Emphasis Areas in Engineering Management

Management of Technology focuses on the management aspects of system design, logistics, scheduling, budgeting, information development, legal aspects of technology management, managing people, and decision making for positions in supply chain logistics, project engineering/scheduling, operations management, cost control/estimating, technical marketing/procurement, sales engineering, engineering administration, information systems, and finance economic analysis.

Industrial Engineering focuses on productivity analysis and system optimization for manufacturing and service organizations. Industrial engineering includes a variety of quantitative and qualitative techniques to identify potential improvements in productivity, quality, safety, and other areas. This emphasis area prepares students for positions such as process engineer, manufacturing engineer, project manager, quality engineer, safety engineer, supply chain manager, operations manager and consulting.

General Option Area focus on the convergence of engineering, management, and innovation in high technology environments. A general engineering emphasis allows students to customize their degree program and create a unique engineering emphasis area that focuses on a traditional engineering field or even a unique combination of engineering courses.

Students are required to select an emphasis area and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA for these courses.

Bachelor of Science
Engineering Management

The engineering management program at Missouri S&T is characterized by its focus on the scientific basics of engineering and its innovative application; indeed, the underlying theme of this educational program is the application of the scientific basics to engineering practice through attention to problems and needs of the public. The necessary interrelations among the various topics, the engineering disciplines, and the other professions as they naturally come together in the solution of real world problems are emphasized as research, analysis, synthesis, and design are presented and discussed through classroom and laboratory instruction.

The bachelor of science degree in engineering management requires a minimum of 121 credit hours. These requirements are in addition to credit received for algebra, trigonometry, and basic ROTC courses. An average of at least two grade points per credit hour must be attained. At least two grade points per credit hour must also be attained in all courses taken in engineering management.

Each student's program of study must contain a minimum of 21 credit hours of course work in general education and must be chosen according to the following rules:

  1. All students are required to take one American history course, one economics course, and ENGLISH 1120. The history course is to be selected from HISTORY 1200, HISTORY 1300, HISTORY 1310, or POL SCI 1200. The economics course may be either ECON 1100 or ECON 1200.  All students must choose one additional humanities or social science course that meets requirements as specified under "Engineering Degree Requirements" published in the current undergraduate catalog.
  2. Depth requirement. Three credit hours must be taken in humanities or social sciences at the 2000-level or above and meets requirements as specified under "Engineering Degree Requirements" published in the current undergraduate catalog. This course must have as a prerequisite one of the humanities or social sciences courses already taken. Foreign language courses numbered 1180 will be considered to satisfy this requirement. Students may receive humanities credit for foreign language courses in their native tongue only if the course is at the 4000-level or above. All courses taken to satisfy the depth requirement must be taken after graduating from high school.
  3. The remaining two courses are to be chosen and meet requirements as specified under "Engineering Degree Requirements" published in the current undergraduate catalog and include ENGLISH 3560 (or ENGLISH 1160) and SP&M S 1185 in addition to ENGLISH 1120.
  4. Any specific departmental requirements in the general studies area must be satisfied.
  5. Special topics, special problems and honors seminars are allowed only by petition to and approval by the student's department chair.
Freshman Year
First SemesterCreditsSecond SemesterCredits
FR ENG 11001MECH ENG 17203
CHEM 131014MATH 1215 or 122114
CHEM 13191PHYSICS 113514
CHEM 11001ECON 1100 or 12003
MATH 1214 or 121114Programming Elective33
ENGLISH 11203 
HISTORY 1200, or 1300, or 1310, or POL SCI 12003 
 17 17
Sophomore Year
First SemesterCreditsSecond SemesterCredits
MATH 222214MATH 330413
PHYSICS 213514STAT 3115 or 311713
CIV ENG 220013ENG MGT 211013
ENG MGT 121012ENG MGT 221113
ENG MGT 231013PSYCH 11013
 16 15
Junior Year
First SemesterCreditsSecond SemesterCredits
ENG MGT 331013ENG MGT 471013
CIV ENG 22103MECH ENG 25273
ENG MGT 351013ENGLISH 3560 or 11603
SP&M S 11853ENG MGT 332013
Humanities and Social Sciences23MECH ENG 23502
 15 14
Senior Year
First SemesterCreditsSecond SemesterCredits
Emphasis Area Required Course3ENG MGT Technical Elective3
Emphasis Area Required Course3Emphasis Area Required Course3
Emphasis Area Required Course3ENG MGT 490713
ENG MGT 411013Upper Level Hum/SS23
ELEC ENG 28003 
 15 12
Total Credits: 121

Example Emphasis Area Programs for Engineering Management Students

One unique aspect of the engineering management degree is the student's ability to select an established emphasis area or create a specialized emphasis. Two examples of established emphasis areas are shown below.

Management of Technology

ENG MGT 5511Technical Entrepreneurship3
ENG MGT 5512Legal Environment3
ENG MGT 5410Industrial System Simulation3
ENG MGT 5614Supply Chain Management Systems3
ENG MGT Technical Elective (in consultation with your advisor)3

Industrial Engineering

ENG MGT 4310Materials Handling and Plant Layout3
ENG MGT 4330Human Factors3
ENG MGT 5410Industrial System Simulation3
ENG MGT 5414Introduction To Operations Research3
ENG MGT Technical Elective (in consultation with your advisor)3


Engineering Area Courses (Engineering Discipline) 12
ENG MGT-Technical Elective (in consultation with your advisor) 3

Note: All electives must be chosen in consultation with the student's advisor. Students must satisfy the common freshman year academic requirements in addition to the sophomore, junior, and senior year requirements listed above with a minimum of 121 hours.


Must have a grade of "C" or better in these courses for graduation. MATH 1208 and MATH 1221 may be substituted for MATH 1214 and MATH 1215, respectively.


Humanities and social science electives must be approved by the student's advisor. Students must comply with the general education requirements with respect to selection and depth of study. These requirements are specified in the current catalog.


The programming elective consists of a lecture and lab combination, and may be selected from COMP SCI 1971/COMP SCI 1981, COMP SCI 1972/COMP SCI 1982, or COMP SCI 1570/COMP SCI 1580. Note that COMP SCI 1570/COMP SCI 1580 requires one more credit hour than the other options. The lecture component must be completed with a grade of "C" or better.

 Accelerated BS/MS Program Option for Engineering Management

Undergraduates currently majoring in Engineering Management at Missouri S&T may opt to apply for a Graduate Track Pathway, which allows students to transfer nine credit hours from their Missouri S&T Engineering Management bachelor's degree to their Engineering Management or Systems Engineering master's degree. In this pathway, a student can achieve both degrees faster than if pursuing the degrees separately. The benefits of the pathway for admitted students include:

1. Nine hours of 5000 graduate-level or above EMSE courses may be transferred from their Missouri S&T bachelor's degree to their EMSE master's degree,
2. The classes taken for shared BS/MS credit may be taken at the lower undergraduate tuition rate,
3. The GRE is not required for admission into the master's degree, and
4. Work on a thesis project may begin before the bachelor's degree requirements are completed (if thesis option is chosen)

No M.S. degree requirements are changed. The MS degree may be either a thesis or non-thesis option. To be admitted, the student must complete the Grad Track Pathway Admission and Course Approval Form. To be admitted to the student must have approval of their EMSE academic advisor. The program may be combined with existing honors research and emphasis area options. Admitted students will only have an undergraduate record in the Registrar's Office. Once they complete the bachelor's degree, and apply and are admitted into the master's degree then they will have a graduate record in the Registrar’s Office. The Grad Track Pathway Admission and Course Approval Form must be completed when the student has one year left in the bachelor's program. Courses to be transferred will be identified on this form, and on Graduate Form 1, which is submitted after the student has been accepted to the master's program. Students must apply for admission to the master’s program but will not be fully accepted until meeting all undergraduate degree requirements and earning their bachelor’s degree. The nine hours of transferred coursework that will be taken as undergraduate credit must be approved by the student's academic advisor, and may not be undergraduate research, special problems, or courses transferred to the bachelor’s degree.

To be eligible for the Grad Track Pathway, an EMSE undergraduate student must be:

•One year from graduation of their bachelor’s degree (excluding the semester they are currently enrolled)

•Have at least a 3.50 GPA in all EMSE courses taken at Missouri S&T,

•Have a 3.0 cumulative GPA.

Students will be admitted into the master's degree, so long as they meet EMSE graduate student academic performance requirements: To remain in the pathway, the student must maintain good standing within the undergraduate EMSE program, and must maintain continuous enrollment at Missouri S&T. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 until they receive their bachelor’s degree. Students must receive grades of B or better in the graduate courses they enroll in as part of the pathway course sequence. The semester admit term for the master’s degree immediately follows the semester that the bachelor’s degree is awarded. If the student exits the pathway before completion of the MS degree requirements, or fails to maintain continuous enrollment at Missouri S&T, the courses taken as part of the pathway may not apply toward graduate requirements in the event of future readmission. Credits earned in graduate-level courses will be posted according to established registrar procedures to the undergraduate transcript and will apply toward the student’s undergraduate degree hours as needed to obtain the undergraduate degree and thus ensure all stated degree requirements are met. Once the bachelor’s degree is awarded, the student is fully admitted to the master’s program, Form 1 is approved, the courses from the pathway will be included on the student’s graduate degree audit.

The student applicant is responsible for checking on how graduate coursework will affect scholarships and other financial aid. Once a student becomes a graduate student, they are not eligible for Federal Pell Grants, though are still eligible for Federal Financial Aid, and will be eligible for fellowships and teaching/research assistantships. International students should check with international affairs during completion of a Grad Track Pathway, to ensure immigration status will be maintained throughout the program.

Minor in Engineering Management

A student who receives a bachelor of science degree in an accredited engineering program or Computer Science from Missouri S&T may receive a minor in engineering management by completing 15 hours of the courses listed below.

ENG MGT 2110Managing Engineering And Technology3
ENG MGT 2211Engineering Accounting and Finance3
ENG MGT 3310Operations and Production Management3
Eng Mgt 3000, 4000, or 5000-level course work chosen in consultation with minor advisor.6
Total Credits15

ENG MGT 1001 Special Topics (IND 0.0-6.0)

This course is designed to give the department an opportunity to test a new course. Variable title.

ENG MGT 1100 Practical Concepts for Technical Managers (LEC 1.0)

This course introduces topics relevant to the technical manager in the 21st Century. Topics covered include management practices, leadership, communications, project management, working in the global environment, risk management, systems engineering, product development, and quality management.

ENG MGT 1210 Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects (LEC 2.0)

Engineering project analysis from an engineering economics perspective. Topics include: interest, equivalent worth, comparing alternatives, rate of return methods, depreciation and taxes, inflation and price changes, benefit-cost analysis and risk analysis.

ENG MGT 2001 Special Topics (LAB 0.0 and LEC 0.0)

This course is designed to give the department an opportunity to test a new course. Variable title.

ENG MGT 2002 Cooperative Engineering Training (IND 0.0-6.0)

On-the-job experience gained through cooperative education with industry, with credit arranged through departmental cooperative advisor. Grade received depends on quality of reports submitted and work supervisors evaluation.

ENG MGT 2011 Competition Team Leadership (LEC 1.0)

Students will participate in open lecture on team based management and leadership as it pertains to ongoing project activities. Project activity reports will be generated using real project data and assessed at the end of the semester through a project master plan and oral presentation. Prerequisite: Sophomore (or greater) standing and leadership role in an experiential learning design team or nomination by an experiential learning team advisor.

ENG MGT 2012 Competition Team Communication (LAB 0.50 and LEC 0.50)

Communication skills, both technical and promotional, will be covered. Students will practice both communication skills in written, oral and media-based modes. Specific activities will include writing a proposal for funding, developing a promotional media piece and speaking to external groups about a SDELC team. Assessment will be made on each of the deliverables. Prerequisite: Sophomore (or greater) standing and membership in an experiential learning design team.

ENG MGT 2013 Competition Team Design (LAB 1.0)

Students will participate in a significant design activity as part of one of the experiential learning design team projects. Design activity will be reported and assessed at the end of the semester through a design report and oral presentation. Prerequisite: Sophomore (or greater) standing and membership in an experiential learning design team.

ENG MGT 2110 Managing Engineering And Technology (LEC 3.0)

Introduces the management functions of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling. Analyzes the application of these functions in research, design, production, technical marketing, and project management. Studies evolution of the engineering career and the transition to engineering management. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better is required in this course to meet Engineering Management degree requirements.

ENG MGT 2211 Engineering Accounting and Finance (LEC 3.0)

This course is designed to introduce the fundamentals of accounting and finance and provide the student with tools used in making financial decisions within a technically based enterprise. Prerequisite: Eng Mgt 1210, or understanding of engineering economic principles.

ENG MGT 2310 Introduction to System Engineering (LEC 3.0)

Provide an understanding of systems engineering and tools to manage system design, construction, and operation. Topics include systems thinking, modeling and simulation of systems, uncertainty in engineering, risk, and decision making in certain and uncertain environments. Prerequisites: Math 1208, Math 1214, or Math 1211.

ENG MGT 3001 Special Topics (IND 0.0 and LAB 0.0 and LEC 0.0)

This course is designed to give the department an opportunity to test a new course. Variable title.

ENG MGT 3310 Operations and Production Management (LEC 3.0)

Concepts of operations and production management are presented at an introductory level. Qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques used for the optimization of the operations component of the total enterprise are explored in the context of improved productivity and strategic competitiveness. Prerequisites: Eng Mgt 2110.

ENG MGT 3320 Introduction to Project Management (LEC 3.0)

This course covers the fundamentals of project management including project definition, project selection, project planning, estimating, scheduling, resource allocation and project control. Prerequisites: Junior or above standing.

ENG MGT 3510 Marketing Management (LEC 3.0)

Study of basic functions of marketing in the technological enterprise, including product selection and development, market research, market development, selection of distribution channels and advertising, marketing strategy. Prerequisites: Preceded or accompanied by Eng Mgt 2110.

ENG MGT 4000 Special Problems (IND 0.0-6.0)

Problems or readings on specific subjects or projects in the department. Consent of instructor required.

ENG MGT 4001 Special Topics (LEC 0.0-6.0)

This course is designed to give the department an opportunity to test a new course. Variable title.

ENG MGT 4099 Undergraduate Research (IND 0.0-6.0)

Designed for the undergraduate student who wishes to engage in research. Not for graduate credit. Not more than six (6) credit hours allowed for graduation credit. Subject and credit to be arranged with the instructor. Consent of instructor required.

ENG MGT 4110 General Management-Design and Integration (LEC 3.0)

Integrating and executing marketing, production, finance, and engineering policies and strategies for the benefit of an enterprise. Analysis, forcasting, and design methods using case studies and management simulation. Prerequisites: Eng Mgt 2110, 2211; preceded or accompanied by Eng Mgt 3310, 3320, 4710, and senior standing.

ENG MGT 4281 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (LEC 3.0)

A discussion of the techniques for assessment of reliability, safety and risk associated with complex systems such as those encountered in nuclear power. Classification of accidents, fault tree analysis, consequences, figures of merit, and use of probabilistic risk analysis in regulation are discussed. (Co-listed with Nuc Eng 4281).

ENG MGT 4310 Materials Handling and Plant Layout (LAB 1.0 and LEC 2.0)

The design and objectives of materials handling equipment including diversity of application in industry from the viewpoint of efficient movement of materials and products from the receiving areas to the shipping areas. The layout of a plant to include materials handling equipment is considered throughout. Cost comparison of various systems will be made. Prerequisites: Junior standing.

ENG MGT 4312 Risk Assessment and Reduction (LEC 3.0)

Safe, secure manufacturing facilities protect the health of employees and the public, preserve the environment, and increase profitability. Methods for systematically identifying hazards and estimating risk improve the safety performance and security of manufacturing facilities. Prerequisite: Senior or Graduate Standing. (Co-listed with Chem Eng 5130).

ENG MGT 4330 Human Factors (LEC 3.0)

An examination of human-machine systems and the characteristics of people that affect system performance. Topics include applied research methods, systems analysis, and the perceptual, cognitive, physical and social strengths and limitations of human beings. The focus is on user-centered design technology, particularly in manufacturing environments. Prerequisite: Psych 1101. (Co-listed with Psych 4710).

ENG MGT 4710 Quality (LEC 3.0)

This course will provide an overview of quality tools and methodologies and how they apply to engineering management. Quality management methodologies will be explored as well as current and relevant tools and techniques used in the successful application of quality into various environments. Prerequisites: Stat 3115 or Stat 3117.

ENG MGT 4907 Engineering Management Senior Design (LEC 3.0)

Open-ended design projects will be addressed with small teams. The emphasis will be on solving industry-based projects that are broad in nature and which will require the students to incorporate the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work in the solution of the problems. Prerequisites: Preceded or accompanied by Eng Mgt 4110.

ENG MGT 5000 Special Problems (IND 0.0-6.0)

Problems or readings on specific subjects or projects in the department. Consent of instructor required.

ENG MGT 5001 Special Topics (LEC 0.0-6.0)

This course is designed to give the department an opportunity to test a new course. Variable title.

ENG MGT 5070 Teaching Engineering (LEC 3.0)

Introduction to teaching objectives and techniques. Topics include: using course objectives to design a course; communication using traditional and cutting-edge media; textbook selection; assessment of student learning; grading; student learning styles; cooperative/active learning; and student discipline. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. (Co-listed with Env Eng 5070, Comp Eng 5070, Elec Eng 5070, Civ Eng 5070).

ENG MGT 5099 Research (IND 0.0-15)

Investigations of an advanced nature leading to the preparation of a thesis or dissertation. Consent of instructor required.

ENG MGT 5110 Managerial Decision Making (LEC 3.0)

Individual and group decision making processes and principles for engineers and technical managers with emphasis on the limitations of human rationality and the roles of social influence and organizational contexts; principles and skills of negotiation. Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing.

ENG MGT 5111 Management for Engineers and Scientists (LEC 3.0)

The transition of the engineer or scientist to manager; study of management roles and theory, organizational systems and behavior, managing and motivating technical personnel, leadership, communication, processes, and customer focus. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

ENG MGT 5210 Economic Decision Analysis (LEC 3.0)

Comprehensive treatment of engineering economy including effects of taxation and inflation; sensitivity analysis; decisions with risk and uncertainty; decision trees and expected value, normally includes solutions on personal computer and student problem report. Prerequisite: Graduate students without previous course in engineering economy because of partial overlap.

ENG MGT 5212 Intelligent Investing (LEC 3.0)

An overview of the essential elements of intelligent investing. Coverage includes stocks, bonds, exchange traded funds, mutual funds, stock screening, fundamental and technical analysis, valuation, market and industry analysis, macroeconomic indicators, investing strategies, and portfolio construction. Prerequisites: Senior or Graduate Standing.

ENG MGT 5312 Advanced Risk Assessment and Reduction (LEC 3.0)

Safe, secure manufacturing facilities protect the health of employees and the public, preserve the environment, and increase profitability. Methods for systematically identifying hazards and estimating risk improve the safety performance and security of manufacturing facilities. Prerequisite: Senior or Graduate Standing.

ENG MGT 5313 Packaging Management (LEC 3.0)

Provides a comprehensive background in the field of packaging and its place in productive systems. Emphasizes the design or economics of the system. Analyzes the management of the packaging function and interrelationship with other functions of an enterprise.

ENG MGT 5316 Safety Engineering Management (LEC 3.0)

This course is an introduction to the principles of safety engineering applied to industrial situations. Job safety analysis, reduction of accident rates, protective equipment, safety rules and regulations, environmental hazards, health hazards, and ergonomic hazards are covered. Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing.

ENG MGT 5320 Project Management (LEC 3.0)

Organization structure and staffing; motivation, authority and influence; conflict management; project planning; network systems; pricing, estimating, and cost control; proposal preparation; project information systems; international project management. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. (Co-listed Sys Eng 5105).

ENG MGT 5330 Advanced Human Factors (LEC 3.0)

An in-depth review of the foundations of human factors, focusing on the interaction of people with various forms of technology in a variety of environments. Topics include research and evaluation methods, displays (e.g., visual, auditory), attention and information processing, decision making, motor skills, anthropometry, and biomechanics. (Co-listed with PSYCH 5710).

ENG MGT 5410 Industrial System Simulation (LEC 3.0)

Simulation modeling of manufacturing and service operations through the use of computer software for operational analysis and decision making. Prerequisite: Stat 3115 or Stat 3117.

ENG MGT 5411 Engineering Design Optimization (LEC 3.0)

This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of optimal design as an element of the engineering design process. The use of optimization as a tool in the various stages of product realization and management of engineering and manufacturing activities is stressed. The course stresses the application of nonlinear programming methods. Prerequisite: Math 3304 or 3329.

ENG MGT 5412 Operations Management Science (LEC 3.0)

Application of management science with an emphasis on supporting managerial decision-making. Design and operations of systems are modeled and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative techniques implemented using modern technology. Specific approaches include mathematical modeling and optimization, probabilistic/statistical analysis, and simulation. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

ENG MGT 5414 Introduction To Operations Research (LEC 3.0)

Mathematical methods for modeling and analyzing industrial systems, topics including linear programming, transportation models, and network models. Prerequisite: Stat 3115 or Stat 3117. Senior or graduate standing.

ENG MGT 5510 Industrial Marketing Systems Analysis (LEC 3.0)

An analysis of the factors of engineered products, customers, communication, promotion, personal selling, persuasion and management within a dynamic industrial sales environment. Prerequisites: Senior or graduate standing.

ENG MGT 5511 Technical Entrepreneurship (LEC 3.0)

Student teams develop a complete business plan for a company to develop, manufacture and distribute real technical/product service. Lectures & business fundamentals, patents, market/ technical forecasting, legal and tax aspects, venture capital, etc., by instructor and successful technical entrepreneurs. Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing.

ENG MGT 5512 Legal Environment (LEC 3.0)

Study of the effect of the legal environment on the decisions which the engineering manager must make. The course investigates the social forces that produced this environment and the responsibilities incumbent upon the engineer. Prerequisites: Senior or graduate standing.

ENG MGT 5513 Energy and Sustainability Management Engineering (LEC 3.0)

This course explores strategic processes and partnership required for the management of sustainable energy infrastructures and innovation in energy systems. Topics relate to renewable energy, energy efficiencies, energy conversion, energy technology, and economic efficiency of energy sources. Prerequisite: Senior or Graduate Standing.

ENG MGT 5514 Patent Law (LEC 3.0)

A presentation of the relationship between patent law and technology for students involved with developing and protecting new technology or pursuing a career in patent law. Course includes an intense study of patentability and preparation and prosecution of patent applications. Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing.

ENG MGT 5515 Integrated Product And Process Design (LEC 3.0)

Emphasize design policies of concurrent engineering and teamwork, and documenting of design process knowledge. Integration of product realization activities covering important aspects of a product life cycle such as "customer" needs analysis, concept generation, concept selection, product modeling, process development, and end of product life options. Prerequisites: Junior or above standing. (Co-listed with MECH ENG 5757).

ENG MGT 5610 Advanced Facilities Planning & Design (LAB 1.0 and LEC 2.0)

An integrated approach to the planning and design of facilities; examination of advanced techniques and tools for facility location, space allocation, facility layout materials handling system design, work place design; e.g. mathematical programming and simulation modeling. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

ENG MGT 5613 Value Analysis (LEC 3.0)

An organized effort at analyzing the function of goods or services for the purpose of achieving the basic functions at the lowest overall cost, consistent with achieving the essential characteristics. Covers the basic philosophy, function analysis, FAST diagramming, creativity techniques, evaluation of alternatives, criteria analysis, and value stream mapping. Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing.

ENG MGT 5614 Supply Chain Management Systems (LEC 3.0)

This course focuses on the development of logistics management skills related to global supply chains. Particular attention will be given to supply chain systems management as part of the firm's strategic positioning, cultural interactions and transportation sourcing decisions. Prerequisite: Stat 3115 or Stat 3117.

ENG MGT 5615 Production Planning And Scheduling (LEC 3.0)

Introduction to basic techniques of scheduling, manufacturing planning and control, just-in-time systems, capacity management, master production scheduling, single machine processing, constructive Algorithms for flow-shops, scheduling heuristics, intelligent scheduling systems are the topics covered. Prerequisite: Eng Mgt 3310.

ENG MGT 5710 Six Sigma (LEC 3.0)

This course is an introduction to the principles of implementing the Six Sigma philosophy and methodology. Topics include tools and methods including process flow diagrams, cause and effect diagrams, failure mode and effects analysis, gage R&R, capability studies, design of experiments and strategy for organizing six sigma techniques in industry. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

ENG MGT 5711 Total Quality Management (LEC 3.0)

Examination of various quality assurance concepts and their integration into a comprehensive quality management system: statistical techniques, FMEA's, design reviews, reliability, vendor qualification, quality audits, customer relations, information systems, organizational relationships, motivation. Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing.

Venkat Allada, Professor
PHD University of Cincinnati

Casey Canfield, Assistant Professor
PHD Carnegie Mellon University

Steven M. Corns, Associate Professor
PHD Iowa State University

Cihan H Dagli, Professor
PHD University of Birmingham, UK

David Enke, Curators' Distinguished Teaching Professor
PHD University of Missouri-Rolla

Abhijit Gosavi, Professor
PHD University of South Florida

Sheryl Hodges, Associate Teaching Professor1
DEng Louisiana Tech University

Robert Marley, Robert B. Koplar Professor
PHD Wichita State University

Gabriel Nicolosi, Assistant Professor
PHD The Pennsylvania State University

Stephen A Raper, Associate Professor
PHD University of Missouri-Rolla

Joan Barker Schuman, Teaching Professor
PHD University of Southern Mississippi

David G Spurlock, Teaching Professor
PHD University of Illinois Urbana

Javier Valentin-Sivico, Assistant Teaching Professor
PHD Missouri University of Science and Technology

Superscripts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the faculty listing refer to the following common footnotes:
1 Registered Professional Engineer
2 Registered Geologist
3 Certified Health Physicist
4 Registered Architect
5 Board Certified, American Academy of Environmental Engineers
6 LEED AP Certified